A national and international line up of geographical information systems (GIS) experts will be punching Rotorua’s coordinates into their sat-navs in October, as they converge on the city for a unique forestry event.
Balterio intends to invest a total of around €12m in modernising laminate flooring production at the location of Vielsalm in Belgium as well as in product development and additional marketing measures.
The Victorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VECCI) notes the release of the State Government's final response to the report of the Bushfire Royal Commission.
A new mapping technology using digital data captured from aerial surveys will be trialled in State forests, Forest Resources Minister, Paul McLeay announced last week.
FWPA is putting together a national summer jobs marketing campaign for this summer. The campaign is targeting science, agriculture and environment students across 10 universities and they are looking for the industry to promote their summer jobs and provide students with their ‘first
The Tasmanian Forest Contractors Association congratulate Minister Burke and Shadow Minister Richard Colbeck, for their commitments of $20 million towards the first stage of the overdue restructuring of the forest contracting sector of the Tasmanian hardwood forest industry.
As the ALP and Coalition have each announced their forest policies this election campaign, Australia’s peak forest industry body has welcomed the support shown by both major parties.
Labor and part-time Forestry Minister Burke must today explain the black-hole it has created in its own budget following the panic release of $20 million in funding to match a Coalition forest contractors commitment.
The Institute of Foresters of Australia (IFA) is an organisation with members who are focused on improving the management of forests in Australia and internationally.