Australasia's home for timber news and information

US stumpage price forecasts

Forest2Market has added three 5-year strategic stumpage price forecasts to its Forest2Mill product line, a suite of services designed for buyers and sellers of logs and other wood raw materials. Source: Timberbiz
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The Global Forest Industry in the 2Q/2013

Excerpts from the Wood Resource Quarterly publication provide a snapshot of the industry ( Source: Wood Resources International
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Research suggests wet wood dust is as explosive as dry

The smallest-sized wet wood dust is just as explosive as dry wood dust according to a report prepared by FPInnovations for the sawmill sector. Source: Vancouver Sun
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Ta Ann joins Tasmanian trade mission to Asia

Ta Ann hopes an Asian trade mission next month will help to secure sales and boost confidence in the Tasmanian forestry industry. Source: The Examiner
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VicForests shows community support

VicForests Community Support Program has reached out across Victoria to assist groups and services dedicated to helping local communities thrive. Source: Timberbiz
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Eucalyptus trees to provide NZ opportunities

Eucalyptus trees may provide long-term opportunities for New Zealand farmers. Source: Otago Daily Times
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Gunns assets on sale for Christmas

The last assets of failed Tasmanian timber company Gunns including the proposed Bell Bay pulp mill and permits should be on the market by Christmas. Sources: The Examiner, Timberbiz
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Mallee tree harvest halted by poor government

Keith Wilson runs a sheep and wheat farm in the heart of the wheatbelt of Western Australia. He planted more than 700,000 mallee trees in the hope of selling them to the State Government for electricity generation. Source: ABC News
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HIA against increase in apprentice wages

The decision by the Fair Work Commission to apply significant increases to apprentice wages will increase the costs of training and may deter employers in the residential construction industry from hiring apprentices according to the HIA. Source: Timberbiz
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Forest peace deal problems ongoing

Tasmania's Upper House MPs are considering a critical report on the Government's efforts to address problems with the implementation of the forest peace deal, as they prepare to vote on its future. Source: ABC News
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