What are the latest trends in low-energy housing construction? How is drought affecting engineering and building practises? What are the planning implications of climate change for Melbourne and Victoria?
Bioenergy Australia will be holding its annual conference in Melbourne on 8-9 December, with a technical tour to bioenergy-related destinations on the following day.
Wormald, a leading provider of fire protection solutions, has become one of the first companies in Australia with a vehicle fire suppression system to comply with Australian Standard AS 062-2006: Fire protection for mobile and transportable equipment.
More than 100 entrants have registered for the Warren Centre’s National Energy Essay Competition. Entrants are invited to present innovative solutions to Australia’s energy needs, which are forecast to grow by up to 50% over the next 20 years.
The use of wood veneers is again expected to be prominent in the 2008 Australian Timber Design Awards. Entries for the prestigious awards close on 29 August, with winners to be announced on 29 November.
The Brumby Government has introduced legislation to significantly enhance Victoria’s National Parks and reserves system but in some quarters it is seen mainly as a move to appease some of the Government’s greener friends.
International forester Clark Binkley will be the keynote speaker at VicForests’ third Windows on Wood Symposium. The symposium, themed Skills: Training: Viability – Working for our Future, will be held on 2 September at the RACV Club in Melbourne.
Hundreds of events take place on a local, regional and national scale every year during National Water Week – and this year aims to be bigger than ever!