Södra is investing in a new facility that will increase the production capacity of timber frames ten-fold. The facility is expected to be commissioned in mid-2022 and is being built at its plant in Värö, north of Varberg in Sweden, where Södra’s first CLT facility is located. Source:
Morbark recently introduced a new patent-pending Vtection system option for their 3000, 3400, and 6400 series Wood Hog Horizontal Grinders. The Vtection system monitors rotor vibration to reduce damage from contact with un-shreddable objects or other causes of damaging vibration like
Canada’s British Columbia (BC) Supreme Court has reserved a decision on an injunction application by logging company Teal Jones Group to remove protesters and blockades from its logging operations near Port Renfrew. In its application, Teal Jones asked for the removal of an eight-mont
Leading experts have come together to share their research as part of a national action plan to combat the highly invasive fungal disease myrtle rust. Acting Chief Environmental Biosecurity Officer Elyse Herrald-Woods said the symposium offered the opportunity for experts across gover
An exciting milestone was reached at the Latrobe Creative Precinct as the last of the 10 feature “trees” were installed. The 10 “trees” – up to 8.5m high – have been created in conjunction with Australian Sustainable Hardwoods’ technical partner TGA Engineering to be a feature of the
Farm foresters in New Zealand are now fully informed on how to play a role in helping role solve NZ land use issues according to the incoming Farm Foresters Association president, Graham West. This is after their 5-day annual conference in Wellington where they were addressed by the
Sprinklers have been activated at the dam on Kangaroo Island Plantation Timber’s Macgill property where the company will store more than 100,000 tonnes of pine. The pine logs, harvested from the fire-damaged Gosse West plantation will be preserved in preparation as the company awaits
The decision made by Carter Holt Harvey (CHH) to discontinue supply of structural timber to some merchants comes as no surprise says the New Zealand Timber Industry Federation (NZTIF). In recent months all New Zealand sawmills have been under pressure to supply a booming domestic timb
Forestry Corporation has released a review of long-term sustainable yield of timber from NSW State forests following the 2019-20 bushfires. The review includes a detailed analysis of fire impacts on each of the forestry regions in NSW and uses satellite-based fire intensity modelling
The Greens leader in Tasmania Cassy O’Connor must apologise for the disgraceful public slur made this week against the State’s forestry workers on radio show Tasmania Talks, says Forest & Wood Communities Australia. Source: Timberbiz Ms O’Connor accused timber workers of carrying