Australasia's home for timber news and information

NZ Institute of Forestry says everyone should plant a tree on Arbor Day

The New Zealand Institute of Forestry (NZIF) is proud to announce its strong support for Arbor Day (June 05) and calls upon all New Zealanders to join in making this day a widely recognised national event. Source: Timberbiz NZIF envisions a future where every citizen plants at least o
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Opinion: Keith Woodford – the challenges of farm foresters in New Zealand

In early April I spoke to the New Zealand Farm Forestry Conference in Napier about farm forestry options as I saw them.  Most of the farmers I was talking to have had many years of experience in farm forestry, so I was certainly not going to tell them how to grow trees. Rather, I expl
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NZ wood processors confused about EU new rules

New Zealand’s wood processing sector is trying to work out how to meet incoming rules around deforestation for exports to Europe. Source: RNZ The European Union (EU) passed deforestation regulations last year asking those sending product to prove their supply chains are free of defore
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FICA and Women in Forestry have agreed to collaborate more

Forest Industries Contractors Association (FICA) and Women in Forestry (WIF) have signed an agreement to work closer together, share resources and increase member value for forestry contractors in New Zealand. Source: Timberbiz WIF is a grassroots network of women working in the New Z
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Eastland Forestry awards

Challenges the East Coast have faced in the past 18 months were reflected upon at the Eastland Forestry Awards in New Zealand. Source: Timberbiz The audience of around 500 was there to celebrate the nominees and winners put forward by their peers and their companies. Taking out the to
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NZ campaign to stop cuts to science funding

A coalition is being launched in New Zealand to campaign against cuts to science and science funding . The Save Science Coalition is a group of organisations, including unions and scientific societies, with an interest in ensuring that New Zealand has a well-functioning and well-funde
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Going with the Grain needs to recognise forestry’s value

Forest owners say a new report is a promising step towards addressing complex land use management issues in New Zealand but needs to recognise the value of forestry in building a more resilient environment. Source: Timberbiz The report, Going with the Grain: Changing land uses to fit
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Going with the Grain goes against the grain

The New Zealand Farm Forestry Association (NZFFA) says the new report from the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (PCE) raises important land use change issues that farm foresters have been active in for decades. Source: Timberbiz The report, Going with the Grain: Changing
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Opinion: Bruce Larsen – can the NZ government stablise forestry

New Zealand Timber Industry Federation (NZTF) president Bruce Larsen outlines his views on how the change of Government will impact the forestry and timber manufacturing sector… The new Government is bedding in its position and has started with some significant cost reductions — gone
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The summer solstice starting gun for mast seeding

Emeritus Professor Dave Kelly, from the School of Biological Sciences at Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha at the University of Canterbury (UC), is involved in a new discovery regarding mast seeding events (intermittent years of bumper seed production) in European Beech forests that could be
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