Australasia's home for timber news and information

Auto Quick Coupler demo at Loggabull

A field demonstration of the Auto Hydraulic Quick Coupler was held recently at Loggabull’s harvesting operation in Kinleith Forest on New Zealand’s north island, showing how one machine and operator can carry out multiple tasks. Source: Timberbiz This project and field demonstration o
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NZ repeals legislation for registration of log traders and forestry advisors

The New Zealand Government has repealed legislation requiring the compulsory registration of log traders and forestry advisers. Source: Timberbiz “The existing legislation fails to deliver outcomes and places unnecessary costs on forest businesses,” Forestry Minister Todd McClay said.
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Timber Unlimited partners CLT Toolbox for NZ software access

Timber Unlimited has partnered with Australia’s CLT Toolbox to offer parts of this advanced software for free to New Zealand industry. Source: Timberbiz “With the release of the new Timber Structures Standard (NZSAS 1720.1:2022), it’s essential that we provide the in
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Opinion: Marcus Musson – The only way is up

Brace yourself folks, we’re entering new territory. June export prices have come out with only a very slight rise on May, which was only a very slight rise on April, so basically flat at the bottom of the cycle. This is the first time in the last 15 years that we haven’t seen a price
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Young myrtle rust busters

Scion has launched a new interactive learning app designed to empower rangatahi (young people) and communities with knowledge about myrtle rust. Source: Timberbiz Developed with a focus on accessibility and engagement, the ‘E heke e Heka!’ app combines innovative technology with cultu
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Pan Pac joins NZ PM in Japan

Pan Pac Forest Products Managing Director Tony Clifford is currently accompanying Prime Minister Christopher Luxon on a visit to Japan as part of a senior New Zealand business delegation. Source: Timberbiz Pan Pac is one of New Zealand’s largest integrated forest products company and
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NZ High Court says stronger rules on sediment discharge unnecessary

Forest growers in the New Zealand’s Canterbury region say the High Court’s ruling on sediment discharge and water yield rules provides certainty and consistency in environmental controls for growers across the country. Source: Timberbiz The High Court has determined that the Canterbur
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Quarterly ETS auction fails to attract any bids

The blame for the recent failure of the New Zealand Emission Trading Scheme auction can be laid squarely at the feet of the Climate Change Commission along with the previous Labour Green Government, reflecting a series of manufactured crises rather than a fundamental issue with the ma
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Young New Zealander forging ahead with biodegradable pots

Wellington, New Zealand student Elisa Harley is making strides in conservation with her innovative biodegradable plant pots, thanks to the support of researchers and commercialisation expert sat Scion. Source: Timberbiz Ms Harley, the 17-year-old founder of Enivo Pots, is working to d
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NZ forestry companies could be hit with other levies

New Zealand forestry companies could face a rate hike to cover legal costs as well as a “pay as you go” levy to cover road damage, under a Gisborne District Council proposal. Source: Local Democracy Reporting, Gisborne Herald While committing to investigate these funding options from
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