Australasia's home for timber news and information

National Arboretum on shaky ground

The National Arboretum in Canberra is doomed to fail, thanks to years of mismanagement and poor planning, an Australian forestry expert has warned. Source: ABC News The Arboretum has struggled to deal with hundreds of dying trees, which former forester Peter Marshall says is a problem
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AFS International Day of Forests dinner

Australian Forestry Standard Ltd (AFS) is hosting an International Day of Forests dinner on Monday 21 March 2016 in Melbourne. Source: Timberbiz Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Water, Senator Anne Ruston, will be addressing the dinner, and PEFC CEO and Secretary General, Ben Gu
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Royal Commission in forestry managed schemes

Pressure is building for a royal commission into the financial industry after a cross parliamentary group backed a full investigation into life insurance, forestry managed investment schemes and financial planning. Source: The Guardian (Aust) Nationals senator John Williams, Greens se
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Logging conflict brews in NSW

The battle lines for a renewal of the logging wars in south-east New South Wales are being drawn as environmental groups dispute the State Government’s commitment to protecting newly-created flora reserves. Source: ABC News The Mumbulla, Murrah, and Tanja State Forests and half
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Komatsu Forest best sales ever

Australia’s largest forestry equipment supplier, Komatsu Forest is reporting its best sales record in its 25-year history. Source: ABC Rural Globally, Komatsu Limited turns over US$26 billion each year and its forestry arm, Komatsu Forest is the single biggest player in forestry
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It’s not easy being green

Australia has hardly any native deciduous trees. Why do we mostly have evergreens? Is it too hot for deciduous trees to have evolved, or is there another reason? Source: ABC News There are only a few trees native to Australia that are deciduous and that makes us pretty unique. “
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Fuelled by facts not emotion on biomass

The quality of public discourse about the possibility of Tasmania building a biomass fueled electricity plant needs to be lifted. Source: Timberbiz Rob de Fégely, National President of the Institute of Foresters of Australia, asks that people consider facts not emotive argument when c
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Wood Treatment & Innovations May Tech series

Technologies to treat timber with the aim of increasing its durability, reducing its environmental impact and improving its appearance and performance have been the principal focus of two-yearly technology updates for Australasian wood producers. Source: Timberbiz Providing options fo
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Code red – engineering with the new building code

Get the latest on the code changes that allow timber buildings to reach eight storeys. Source: Timberbiz On 23 March is your opportunity to listen to Dr. Jonathan Barnett, one of the top fire engineers in Australia, discuss the advantages and impact of the recent changes to our buildi
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Australian Timber Design Awards

Entries are open for the 17th Annual Australian Timber Design Awards. Source: Timberbiz The awards are distinguished by a heritage of innovation and achievement. This national competition is open to architects, landscape architects, building and interior designers, and engineers. Ther
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