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Value adding our landscape – Media Release

With more than 50 hectares in the ground and another 35 hectares in the preparation stages, the project is well on its way to establishing 180 hectares of commercial plantation in south east Queensland by June 2013.
Eight landholders have so far carried out ground preparation, weed control works and planted their forests. All of these landholders have attended free field days across the region and taken advantage of free site visits and consultation with a officer.
The next field day is about plantation establishment processes. It is being held in the Obi Obi valley on Saturday 10 March from 9 am until 2 pm. The property where the field day will take place is currently being spot-ripped in preparation for planting a Gympie messmate (Eucalyptus cloeziana) forest. There will also be an area in the gulley dedicated to revegetation with endemic rainforest species.
The field day will cover plantation design and mark-out, infrastructure design, construction and drainage. Also weed control, site preparation, species selection, planting technique and early maintenance processes. is a partnership between the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country Program and Private Forestry Service Queensland. The project is providing landholders with training, advice and assistance in establishing successful native hardwood plantations across south east Queensland.