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Tas State Budget provides for forestry growth

Nick Steel TFPA

Tasmanian Forest Products Association (TFPA) says it is looking forward to working closely with the State Government and the minister to implement some important State Budget announcements that affect the forestry sector. Source: Timberbiz

“Importantly the budget recognises the need for more on-island processing and value adding of forestry products that will support and deliver more jobs,” TFPA CEO Nick Steel said.

“The new $10 million fund over five years will support our growing industry and regional communities by providing support for innovation and excellence in value adding.”

In addition, the budget provides:

  • $1.15 million over three years to the Tasmanian Timber Promotions Board to promote the use of sustainable Tasmanian timber products across the world.
  • $150 000 over three years to address skills shortages and train the forestry industry leaders of tomorrow will allow the industry to continue to innovate and produce world leading timber products and resources on island.

“We know that forestry will play a key role in providing climate solutions into the future as responsible harvesting, plantations and timber products are recognised and valued for their ability to remove carbon from the atmosphere and store it in products such as housing, furniture and fibre products,” Mr Steel said.

“In Tasmania we have achieved net zero emissions target for the past five years in a row and forestry will continue to play a key role in this achievement.

“We must continue to take sensible, informed action to capitalise on the opportunities that Tasmania’s unique forestry industry provides us to tackle climate change and as the solution to plastic waste,” he said.