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Support Clarence Valley sustainable hardwood – make a submission

The Clarence Valley Council, with its engine room in Grafton in northern NSW, attempted to bring a motion to support a ban on native forest harvesting on June 26 this year. Source: Timberbiz

This was a reaction to a motion passed at the NSW Local Government Association conference in 2022.

The motion also called for industry and public consultation. This means we must all band together and send a message that our sustainable native timber sector is much loved and needed in our communities.

Unfortunately, it seems to be a thinly veiled attempt at shutting down the sustainable native timber sector in the Clarence Valley – home to some of Australia’s best quality sustainable hardwoods, not to mention some of the regional and rural towns and cities that need the sector the most.

FWCA urges everyone to make a submission where possible to send the strongest possible message to Clarence Valley Council that the sustainable native timber sector is integral to the future of the region.

The critical importance of the industry to the Northern NSW economy is without question, contributing $1.8 billion in revenue, adding $700 million to NSW GDP and employing 5700 people in the region.

Timber NSW CEO Maree McCaskill said a significant and technical submission that addresses all the points made by the biodiversity committee has been prepared and has been referenced in the template below.

Please complete the template at the link below and make a submission by 28 August at