Australasia's home for timber news and information

Latest timber industry news, updated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Demand for engineered panels in US rising

Demand for OSB and plywood structural engineered wood panels in North America is expected to reach about 30 billion square feet in 2013 and grow to nearly 40 billion square feet by 2016. Source: Principia Consulting
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New UK institute for trees starts with donation

A £15 million institute dedicated to studying how climate change is affecting Britain's woodlands is to be created at the University of Birmingham. Source: The Telegraph (UK)
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The timbre is sound

Will an international decline in specialty timbers lead some of the world’s biggest guitar manufacturers to Tasmania to buy wood? Source: ABC
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Beach house lined in wood wins national award

A beach house on a ridgeline above the Great Ocean Road in Victoria has clinched the country's most prestigious residential architecture prize for a second year in a row for John Wardle Architects. Source: The Australian
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NSW Forestry Corp donates timber

The Forestry Corporation of NSW has donated five high quality locally sourced sawlogs and a bark canoe to be auctioned at the Shoalhaven Timber Festival in Milton/Ulladulla for the Dunn & Lewis Youth Development Foundation. Source: 4-Traders
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Grazing and forestry friends with benefits

Grazing and forestry may not be the strange bedfellows many believe them to be. Source: North Queensland Register
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Inquests in NZ forestry deaths

A coroner will hold a series of inquests into forestry workers' deaths with the aim of identifying systemic issues within the country's deadliest industry. Source: The New Zealand Herald
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Help for Forestry Tasmania to gain FSC

Forestry Tasmania has appointed an auditor to help it win crucial Forestry Stewardship Council certification. Source: ABC News
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