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Own a piece of Hydrowood with crowdfunding

Investors will be offered the chance to own a piece of Tasmanian history when underwater harvesting company Hydrowood undertakes an equity crowdfunding program later this month. Source: Timberbiz

The brainchild of local co-founders Andrew Morgan and David Wise, Hydrowood is one of the world’s first underwater forestry operations, harvesting sustainable rare and sought-after timber from Lake Pieman on Tasmania’s rugged west coast.

In the next month, investors will be able to invest in Hydrowood. Investments can start at $500.

“We want to make Hydrowood accessible to everyone, not just the high-end investors. This is a piece of Tasmanian history, and we are excited to share it with the rest of Australia,” said Andrew Morgan.

The Hydrowood team is working with OnMarket – Australia’s largest equity raising platform. OnMarket, which is overseen by ASIC, allows unlisted companies to raise capital from investors all over Australia, giving investors, large and small, the opportunity to back the companies they believe in.

“We are really pleased to be working with Hydrowood on their equity crowdfunding offer,” said Nick Motteram, Managing Director for OnMarket.

“It is great to see Hydrowood undertaking this offer for all the right reasons – to allow their clients and passionate supporters to become shareholders and participate in their future success.”

No other party has the access to submerged timber resources, the necessary expertise in forestry nor the underwater technology and know-how required to harvest from Tasmanian lakes.