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Hitachi engages employees in afforestation program

Since 2005, Hitachi High-Tech has been engaged in a 60-year afforestation program, in an area of approximately 2.3ha loaned to the company by the national government. The company named this area, which is located in Ishioka city, Ibaraki Prefecture, “Hitachi High-Tech Yasato Forest”. Source: Timberbiz

Most of the trees are cypress and through continuous pruning and thinning over the 16 years since planting the seedlings, the area absorbs 13 tons of CO2 per year. With the aim of nurturing an ever-richer forest, we are carrying out an upgrade plan with the cooperation of the Japan Ecosystem Association.

Based on survey results of the area, the company implements plans to improve elements of Hitachi High-Tech Yasato Forest (forest ground plants, etc.) to make an even better environment for biodiversity to thrive.

Under strict measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19, 12 volunteer employees from Hitachi High-Tech Headquarters, Naka Aria, and Group companies are able to carry out activities, under supervision of the forest management office and Forest union who instruct on the correct way to cut the trees.

Through this activity, participants were able to experience firsthand the nurturing of a forest and raise their awareness of biodiversity conservation activities.