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Don Carson retires from FOA

Well known spokesperson Don Carson’s worked his last day at the New Zealand Forest Owners Association last week. He retires after eight years at FOA and decades within the primary industries, at organisations like Federated Farmers and the Wool Board. Sources: Friday offcuts, Timberbiz

Mr Carson has a background in journalism and a great passion for communicating about how people grow, harvest, and make things that support our society.

“I have really appreciated working with him, particularly for his intellect and humour,” said Elizabeth Heeg, Chief Executive Officer at New Zealand Forest Owners Association. “He also seems to know pretty much everyone in Wellington! Don will still be doing a few of our referendum roadshow sessions as he fully wraps up, so you can still have a last cuppa with him on the road.”

Emily Pope will be stepping up into the role of communications manager for FOA.