The Minister for Forests says the South Australian Government has not said it will slash forest rotations in the south-east.
Liberal David Ridgway says the Government will cut rotations by as much as 34 per cent, as Minister Gail Gago told Parliament an average rotation was 25 to 30 years.
A letter from ForestrySA put the rotation length at 38 years last year, but said it would drop and stay at 32 to 35 years in the future.
Gago said her comments were about the general forestry sector, not the south-east forward sale of timber and Ridgway was “just scaremongering”.
“It’s common knowledge that the Government has not released any specific details about the rotations,” she said.
“They are still under consideration and in fact we’re consulting with the South East Forest Industry Round Table on this matter and that advice is still yet to come.”
Potential buyers were sought late last year for up to three rotations of timber from south-east forests.
Expressions of interest closed recently.
The Forest Round Table was appointed to advise the Treasurer on ways to ensure local forest industries remained viable after a forward sale.
Jack Snelling said the advice from the round-table would form part of a binding contract with the successful bidder.
The budget measure has been vocally opposed by many people in the south-east region of the state, who fear for the future of jobs and their regional economy.