As forest operations have become more and more mechanised over the last decade they have also become more capital intensive and more complex to manage. This, in combination with increased pressure on the forest industry to keep costs down to remain competitive, means that the management of mechanised harvesting is critical for success to both forest owners and machine owners. It is more important now than ever to identify and minimise every inefficient aspect of an operation. A special workshop will take advantage of expertise and experience from the forest industry in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Canada as well as drawing on experience from other industry sectors faced with similar operation management challenges.
The workshop will provide:
Date & location:
Churchill, VIC (actual venue to be confirmed)
Workshop – Wednesday 7 July, 2010
9:00 – 17:00
Field visit – Thursday 8 July, 2010
9:00 – 12:00
For more information, contact Mark Brown Fax: +613 5321 4166 OR Email: [email protected]