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Commonsense has prevailed with Federal Court decision

Forestry Australia President Dr Michelle Freeman

Forestry Australia President Dr Michelle Freeman has welcomed the Federal Court’s Decision to uphold a Regional Forest Agreement in New South Wales as did Forest and Wood Communities Australia (FWCA) and the Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA). Source: Timberbiz

“Commonsense has prevailed … native forestry can have a strong future in Australia,” Dr Freeman said.

“Forest managers, growers, scientists and workers will breathe a sigh of relief that the challenge by the North East Forest Alliance to the Regional Forest Agreement covering North Coast NSW native timber harvesting operations has been dismissed.

“Our Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs) time and time again have proven to be a successful way of sustainably managing Australia’s forests for all their values, and the Federal Court has confirmed this today.

“In public native forests that are available for timber harvesting, our RFAs have protections in place for conservation and heritage. This adaptable multi-layered approach ensures key forest types and biodiversity are managed and conserved across the landscape.

“The findings of the Federal Court … confirms that RFAs achieve what they set out to do, with Justice Perry confirming the Court’s view that the RFAs provide an alternative mechanism through which the objectives of the national environmental laws can be achieved through a rigorous framework agreed by State and the Federal governments.

“It is clear, RFAs strike the right balance between the sustainable harvesting of timber and providing rigorous environmental protections.

“Our forestry sector, its workers, families and communities that depend on it, can now move on with certainty in their future.

“Importantly, Australia’s entire forestry sector can keep on doing what it does best; sustainably managing our forests for their environmental, social, cultural and economic values.”

AFPA CEO James Jooste said that the decision was a vindication that sustainable native forestry operations in NSW are well governed by the federal-state regulatory framework, Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) NSW CEO James Jooste said.

“The Federal Court decision is a vindication for the sector and the contribution it makes to the economy, environment, communities and society in NSW, Australia and internationally. It’s also a message to activists that the RFA framework stands, and the native forestry sector has a right to operate without their irresponsible legal meddling in the daily lives of timber workers and their families.

“The decision is also a major win for the climate, easing cost of living pressures and sovereign capability with so many renewable, sustainable and essential products created by the NSW native forestry sector.

“I call on the Minns Government to continue recognising the importance of native forestry to the state and to work with us as plans progress for a Great Koala National Park on North Coast. Without the sector, we face a future of more timber and wood fibre imports from countries without Australia’s high regulatory standards, fewer quality job opportunities in our regions, increased cost of living and a stalled progression on emissions reduction.

“The industry will now continue to get on with the job it’s there to do.”

Forest and Wood Communities Australia said in a statement that the decision of the Australian Federal Court – throwing out a case brought forward by extremist “environmental” group North East Forest Alliance (NEFA), was a welcome victory for timber communities all over New South Wales.

In making the ruling, Federal Court judge in charge – Justice Perry, noted that RFAs “are an alternative mechanism to deliver the EPBC requirements through the states” and that “whatever happens after the judgement will be a political decision, not a legal one”.

FWCA Executive Officer Mick Harrington said that anti-rural and anti-forestry tendencies of groups like NEFA are now plainly in the view of everyday Australians with the Regional Forestry Agreement, a cornerstone of Australia’s forestry management framework recently reaffirmed as part of a sustainable sector that provides a renewable resource for all Australians to utilise – from firewood to benchtops alongside products like guitars and furniture – we can do it all with timber right here in Australia.

“Certainty is paramount for the prosperity of our communities, families and businesses. The Federal Courts recognition of the ongoing validity of the Regional Forestry Agreement provides the stability necessary for our industry to thrive for generations to come,” Mr Harrington said.

“Hopefully this decision signals to NEFA-esque extremist anti-everything activist types that not only is community sentiment on our side but that legally upheld RFAs are, in effect long term plans for the sustainability and conservation of Australia’s native forests that are a part of the world-class regulatory and legislative framework that we operate within.”

Mr Harrington said that the  judgement’s significance goes beyond legal matters, it radiates through the very fibre of our communities allowing greater confidence from our business community, which often means greater employment opportunities and increased local investment in our hard-working local timber towns.

This is not just a victory for our communities and the sustainable native timber sector but for the broader Australian society that values sustainable practices.

Mr Harrington said that this was a welcome blow to extremist ideologs that seek to weaken our families, our forests and our future.