Resolute Forest Products of Cananda has become the largest manager of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified forests in the world. Source: Timberbiz
The global sawlog price index for the first quarter of 2012 was down almost nine percent from early 2011, with Europe experiencing the biggest decline in prices according to the Wood Resource Quarterly. Source: Forest Industry Network
The developers of the new Mitre 10 Mega site in Rotorua are looking to attract more businesses to the largest development project to take place in the city for more than five years. Source: Rotorua News
The Bioenergy Association says the forestry sector is getting far more serious about the potential for extracting high value chemicals, biofuels and other new products from wood. Source: Radio New Zealand
Property owners in New South Wales are being offered the chance to find out if logging timber on their land may be possible to meet a growing demand for new power poles. Source: The Coffs Coast Advocate
Following the purchase of its Kiernan Creek Forest in Marlborough, NZ Carbon Farming managing director Matt Walsh said his company intended growing their investments in New Zealand. They remain positive about gaining more forests to lease for the carbon market and more land to plant.
Regional Development Australia has announced $4.7 million of funding for the Bombala Timber Precinct Infrastructure Project following a successful application by Bombala Council in New South Wales. Source: Bombala Times
China's total forest area has increased to 195 million hectares from 134 million hectares in 1992, making a net gain of 60 million hectares within 20 years, according to a statement from the State Forestry Administration (SFA). Source: Forestry Industry Engineering Association
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