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VicForests independent audit garners good results

An independent audit of VicForests has found its operations to be 95% compliant overall and better than that in the five key environmental compliance areas. Source: Timberbiz

As part of its Annual Forest Audit program, the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) commissions an Environmental Protection Authority accredited auditor to conduct an audit of VicForests’ operations.

The 2019-20 audit found VicForests achieved more than 95% compliance in:

  • protection of forest soils
  • protection of water flows, water quality and river health
  • protection of biodiversity values
  • road maintenance and closure practices
  • coupe planning.

VicForests said that as leaders in sustainable forest management its activities were informed by the latest research and guided by best practice.

“And it’s important to us that anyone who buys timber products harvested by VicForests can be secure in the knowledge that it has been harvested responsibly, sustainably and with care and respect for our forests,” VicForests said in a statement.

“As part of our continuous improvement program, we use findings from these audits to improve our operational practices.”

VicForests said that as a result of the 2019-20 audit, it would continue to increase its focus on improving road design, road construction and infrastructure in its harvesting operations.

“Our harvesting operations are subject to the Code of Practice for Timber Production (2014) and the associated Management Standards and Procedures for timber harvesting operations in Victoria’s state forests (2014),” VicForests said.

“We are highly scrutinised with extensive internal, external, certification and regulatory audits, including Responsible Wood Certification Scheme.  This Scheme requires re-certification audits every three years and surveillance audits every nine months.”

VicForests said it welcomed regular audits because protecting precious flora and wildlife in native forests to the very highest standards was central to everything it did.