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TIS Workshops

The Department of Primary Industries is inviting you to attend upcoming Timber Industry Strategy workshops in various locations around Victoria. These workshops, facilitated by Trees Victoria, will provide a background briefing to the Timber Industry Strategy and its implementation, led by the Department of Primary Industries. They will also present an opportunity for forest industry stakeholders to provide feedback on the priority opportunities and associated implementation issues going forward for industry, led by Trees Victoria.

Each meeting will consist of up to 30 invited timber industry stakeholders from local government, growers, processors, industry specialists, landowners, Catchment Management Authorities etc.

Workshop Format
10.30 to 11am: Arrival Morning Tea
11am to 11.40am: Briefing
11.45 to 1pm: Facilitated session
1pm to 1.30pm: Lunch, then depart


28 April: Gippsland: The Green Inc Technology & Business Development Centre at Churchill, same location as HVP Plantation Offices.

4th May. South West: DPI (Research Station) Hamilton, Mt Napier Rd.

6th May. North East: Wangaratta Performing Arts Centre, Wangaratta, cnr Ford and Ovens Streets.

Attendance is free. Please indicate your preferred workshop location and confirm your attendance details with Mr. Bernard Young, Executive Officer, Trees Victoria either by email: [email protected] or by telephone: 0417 236 840.