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Sustainable Timber Tasmania FSC audit

In 2019, Sustainable Timber Tasmania was one of the first organisations to undertake an audit against the new FSC National Forest Stewardship Standard of Australia. The audit recognised that Sustainable Timber Tasmania has a culture of innovation, adaptive management, and an ethos of responsible management for the robust array of values and resources on the public production forest estate. Source: Timberbiz

The report highlighted that Sustainable Timber Tasmania complies with most of the required criteria of the FSC standard, with further refinement required regarding three complex issues:

  • the management of Swift Parrots;
  • greater retention of habitat trees in harvest areas;
  • better understanding the impact of fire and other disturbances on old growth.

Sustainable Timber Tasmania is taking action to address the issues. A summary of the issues and Sustainable Timber Tasmania’s actions in response is available in the Summary of key issues raised by the auditor.

Sustainable Timber Tasmania is committed to FSC certification as part of its adaptable landscape approach to forest management. Following monitoring of the effectiveness of the changes implemented in response, the auditors will be invited to return to verify the new approaches.

Sustainable Timber Tasmania supports third party certification both FSC and PEFC (Responsible Wood), as a means of providing confidence to consumers that the forest from which their products are sourced are managed responsibly.

The report can be downloaded at:

The FSC summary can be downloaded at: