On Sunday 13 September this year, hundreds of people will visit houses throughout Australia to see how
everyday Aussies are using wood and other sustainable products to do their bit for climate change. FWPA’s
Wood. Naturally Better. ™ programme is sponsoring ‘Sustainable House Day 2009’ to help bring the
message of wood and sustainable houses closer together.
“This is a terrific opportunity to highlight the environmental credentials of wood to thousands of people
who will visit these homes around Australia,” said Ric Sinclair, Managing Director of Forest and Wood
Products Australia.
People who attend this event are generally looking for ways to make their houses more sustainable. They
may be looking at extensions on their existing homes, building new houses or retrofitting and renovating
old ones.
“We’re really proud to be a sponsor of the Sustainable House Day 2009 because wood plays such an
important role in climate change and many people don’t even realize this. It’s important that we use
avenues such as Sustainable Houses Day to educate consumers on the environmental benefits of wood.”
By educating more people about the environmental qualities of wood, people can make conscious choices
about building materials,” said Mr Sinclair. “This has a flow on effect to choices such as house construction,
flooring choices, wood panel lining, kitchen cupboards, outdoor deckings and even timber furniture.”
It’s all about driving demand for wood products by giving people the right information and knowledge to make educated buying decisions,” said Mr Sinclair.