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Forest Bioproduct Tech program in Maine

University of Maine’s Forest Bioproducts Advanced Manufacturing Tech Hub in the US will receive an additional US$22 million to position Maine as a global leader in forest-based biomaterial production and manufacturing, the university is advancing plans to launch its Forest Bioproducts Technology Maturation Program, a critical component of the Tech Hub. Source: Timberbiz

The Forest Bioproducts Tech Hub’s goal is to accelerate research and development of natural polymers and other wood fiber bioproducts that can sequester carbon and replace plastics and toxic chemicals, while bolstering “Made in America” supply chain goals.

Launched in 2023, the Tech Hub is led by the Maine Technology Institute and the Mills Administration, and supported by more than 70 partners, including Sappi, IDEXX, Thornton Tomasetti, FOR/Maine, the Maine Forest Products Council, the Manufacturers Association of Maine and the Maine Venture Fund.

As a primary Tech Hub partner, UMaine will provide world-class innovation expertise, cutting-edge bioproducts equipment and infrastructure, and intellectual property to build talent pipelines and help private sector companies rapidly accelerate product commercialization and operational growth.

“Maine’s Forest Bioproducts Advanced Manufacturing Tech Hub represents the future of sustainable innovation, building on two centuries of forest industry leadership and 160 years of University of Maine excellence in research, development and education along with world-class facilities,” said Joan Ferrini-Mundy, president of the University of Maine and its regional campus, the University of Maine at Machias, as well as vice chancellor for research and innovation for the University of Maine System.

“This investment will transform cutting-edge ideas into real-world solutions, powered by the expertise of our talented faculty, staff and students. Together with our partners, we are charting a bold course to position Maine as a global leader in sustainable materials, economic growth and innovation.”

UMaine’s Forest Bioproducts Technology Maturation Program, funded at US$10.5 million in the award announced this week, will support startups and established companies in the forest bioproducts space.

“The technology maturation program will provide companies with the talent, expertise and access to equipment to demonstrate new technologies and manufacturing processes at commercial scale, unlocking the potential for forest biomaterials to reach new high-value markets such as plastics and fuels replacements, textiles, building materials, biomedical applications and packaging, and create new economic development opportunities in Maine and beyond,” said Renee Kelly, associate vice president for Strategic Partnerships, Innovation, Resources, and Engagement.

From tailored work plans that include specific technical and business development milestones to access to a robust network of companies and research institutions and facilities, companies who participate in the Technology Maturation Program will receive wraparound support from UMaine.

In addition to facilitating technology development for individual companies, UMaine will work with companies with similar technical barriers to help reach new markets. The opportunity to work directly with experts at UMaine facilities, including the Advanced Manufacturing Center (AMC), Advanced Structures and Composites Center (ASCC) and Process Development Center (PDC), will allow companies to test and validate new bioproducts and processes, focusing on scaling production and meeting safety standards.

Finally, students, including undergraduate, graduate and doctoral level innovation fellows, will be embedded with participating companies to support their growth.

“UMaine’s near-commercial scale Process Development Centre has a decades-long history of advancing biobased technologies,” said Colleen Walker, director of the PDC. “Our team is very excited to expand our work with emerging companies and offer access to our expertise and facilities to propel the development of forest-based bioproducts through the Forest Bioproducts Technology Maturation Program.”

Melissa LaCasse, co-founder and CEO of Tanbark Molded Fiber Products said that Tanbark is excited to be part of the Tech Hub network.

“We see many opportunities to accelerate new forest biomaterials applications in collaboration with UMaine, and to work with talented students who are the future of our skilled workforce,” she said.

Maine is one of just six Tech Hubs selected to receive an award under new funding for the Tech Hubs Program included in the Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).