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Eastland Wood Council awards

The Eastland Wood Council is celebrating its eighth annual awards and looks forward to recognising top performers and heroes of the industry and the Eastland Wood Council – Skilled Professional of the Year. Source: Timberbiz

The official opening for nominations was the beginning February 2017.

What’s new this year is that an offer for a mentor to assist with getting your nomination organised.

The selected mentor will be able to guide you through the nomination process and make sure that you have completed it with the right information before sending it through to the event manager.

By engaging with a selected mentor you will be provided with up to 2-3 hours of support to:

  1. Understand the information that is required in the nomination form
  2. Gain a better understanding of how to complete the nomination form
  3. Have access to the mentor for questions
  4. Have your mentor review the final nomination application

The Eastland Wood Council is an incorporated society established to provide a collective voice for the forestry industry in New Zealand’s Eastland region which encompasses the Gisborne and Wairoa District Council areas and stretches from the Mohaka River in the South to East Cape in the North.

The group was formed in 2001 as the East Coast Forestry Industry Group (ECFIG). Over the next five years ECFIG proved itself as a worthwhile initiative to assist the industry in its objectives.

In 2006 a review was undertaken resulting in the group being enhanced and the Eastland Wood Council being formed.

For more information about the awards visit: