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CMFEU lobbies for anti-logging legislation

The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union wants the Federal Government to pass its logging legislation, or more jobs will be lost at timber mills in the New South Wales south east. Sources: Hardwood Floors News, ABC News

The Union’s State secretary for forestry, Craig Smith said that if the Illegal Logging Prohibition legislation is not passed, price dumping by international timber companies will continue.

The bill aims to restrict commerce in illegally logged timber from abroad and contains “due diligence” provisions, much like the US Lacey Act, and it has provisions to restrict the processing of domestically grown logs that have been illegally sourced. It passed the Australian house in August.

He said that the Member for Eden-Monaro, Mike Kelly needs to lobby MPs to get the legislation through.

“I know for a fact that the local member Mike Kelly supports this legislation and I think he’s been a tireless campaigner to get the legislation into law,” Mr Smith said.

“However, I think Mike needs to sharpen his attention on this issue particularly given that there are now a total of 35 timber workers who have just lost their jobs in his own backyard.”

Mr Smith said the Government is avoiding the issue.

“Due to the Liberal and National Party’s opposition to the Bill, it will most likely need the support of the Greens, and I think that’s why the Government has put this issue in the too-hard basket,” he said.

“We are targeting MPs whose electorates have timber industry businesses and trying to get them motivated on this issue.”

The ABC tried to contact Kelly on the issue, but he was unavailable for comment.