Australasia's home for timber news and information

Important meeting for ATDG members

The Australasian Timber Drying Group (ATDG) will hold its next meeting at The Downtowner, 66 Lygon Street, Carlton, from 9.30am on 20 February.
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Rate cut sends right message, says HIA

The decision by the Reserve Bank Board to cut interest rates for a second consecutive month sends a positive message to households and businesses says the Housing Industry Association (HIA), the voice of Australia’s residential building industry. “Global uncertainty remains rife and t
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Forest Industry Council Scholarships

The Forest Industry Council (FIC) in Tumut NSW is again offering two scholarships for students eager to further their studies in forestry. The Council was formed in 1981 as a platform for industry to advance the stability and prosperity of the forest industry throughout the Southern
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Weak Home Building Conditions No Excuse to Ignore Longer-Term Skilled Labour Needs

The latest HIA Trades Report, a survey of the Housing Industry Association’s builder and sub-contractor members, provides new evidence of the continuing weakness in new home building as we head towards the end of 2011. HIA Acting Chief Economist, Andrew Harvey, said that the pressure
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Minister Walsh commits to timber industry future at VAFI Annual Dinner – Media release

Over 200 representatives from the forest and wood products industry, government, academia and media gathered in the Crown River Room in Southbank on Friday, 4 November for the Victorian Association of Forest Industries (VAFI) Annual Dinner.
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A Message from Bob Gordon, Managing Director Forestry Tasmania

It's been a month of quite momentous and positive change for Forestry Tasmania and the forest industry. Given the magnitude of the change, it's worth bringing you up to date with at least some of the major developments. Perhaps the most important, from our perspective, has been the c
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In Accordance with Section 37 of the Association’s Constitution, Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Australian Forest Contractors Association Limited will be held as follows : Time: 5.00 p.m Date: Wednesday 23 November 2011 Venue: BayView Eden Melbourn
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MEDIA RELEASE – Tasmanian Native Forest Contractors IGA Exit Assistance Program

The Tasmanian Forest Contractors Association and the Australian Forest Contractors Association have, over the last few weeks been involved in virtually continuous discussions with the Commonwealth and State Governments as part of the consultation process to design an exit assistance p
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The Board of Directors of TABMA Australia and the Board of Directors of TABMA QLD have agreed, so as to present a unified association, that TABMA Australia will assume the responsibility for the day to day management of TABMA QLD.
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News from Forestry Tasmania – Bob Gordon, Managing Director

Earlier today, the Tasmanian Government announced that it had taken action to avert the forest industry choking on a stockpile of logs caused principally by the shut down of the Triabunna woodchip mill seven months ago. I applaud the quick action by the Resources Minister Bryan Green
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