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Bioenergy project manager position

The Wimmera and Central Highlands Bioenergy Project is seeking a Bioenergy Project Manager to be a conduit between the Project Control Group, Reference Group members and project.

Key outcomes include demonstrating a regional bioenergy demonstration plant at the Beaufort hospital, investigating a biomass supply chain for the Wimmera Southern Mallee, increasing understanding and acceptance of bioenergy across the region, and demonstrating options for increased regional energy security and resource recovery.

This position requires a formal and relevant qualification, strong project management capability, excellent ICT skills and the capacity to engage effectively with multiple stakeholders in a complex organisational and political environment to deliver durable outcomes.

Direct position enquiries should be addressed to Thea Laidlaw, Environment and Sustainability Officer on (03) 5349 1100.

A position description is available from Greg Lofts at [email protected] or phone (03) 5349 1116, or on Council’s website
Applicants must provide:
• A covering letter identifying their interest in the position
• A statement addressing their relative experience and the key selection criteria; and
• Curriculum Vitae including phone references.
Forward applications to Greg Lofts, Manager Human Resources, 5 Lawrence Street, Beaufort, Vic 3373 by close of business Friday 18 May, 2012. The Pyrenees Shire Council is an Equal Opportunity employer.