Australasia's home for timber news and information

All the latest news

The current edition of Australian Forests & Timber News brings you the latest in what is happening in the industry. Just a few of the topics covered are:
* Forestry is the only carbon-positive sector
* It’s a first (superb new Tried & Tested segment)
* Government support for forestry industry (and comments)
* More on Elmia with special wraps by David Quill (AUSTimber general manager) and noted industry specialist Andrew Lang.
Plus there’s detail on alternative energy and biofuels, the South Africa Perspective, reports and much, much more. Make sure you get your copy of the Australian Forests & Timber News.
There’s also an information-filled Australian Timberman that comes out in conjunction with AFTN. From the soil to the sawmill and from the sawmill to the finished staircase, these publications have got your news.