The Australian Forest Contractors Association has congratulated Julie Collins and Senator Anthony Chisholm on their appointments as Minister and Assistant Minister respectively for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry portfolio. Source: Timberbiz
AFCA also thanks Senator Murray Watt for his efforts in the portfolio and in delivering several important initiatives for the forestry sector as part of the Albanese Labor Government.
“As Housing Minister and a proud Tasmanian, Minister Collins will know the importance of forestry and forest products to the economy and our communities,” AFCA General Manager Tim Lester said.
“Forest contracting businesses provide an essential operations and workforce for Australia’s $24 billion forestry sector. Having government policies and regulations at Federal and State levels that support our sustainable, renewable and productive sector is a must.
“Across the hardwood and softwood estates forestry is a ‘yes and’ activity. Yes to regeneration, yes to renewability, yes to carbon sequestration, yes to effective landscape and environmental management and yes to quality jobs in rural and regional areas.
“With AFCA’s JAS-ANZ endorsed ForestFit Standard and certification scheme, Australians can have confidence that our forestry operations are being conducted at the highest levels of environmental and safety performance.
“We look forward to working with Minister Collins and Assistant Minister Chisholm on the positive role being played by forest contracting businesses and the opportunities that are ahead of us,” Mr Lester said.