Australia has lost its right as the world’s largest supplier of wood chips to pulp mills in Asia. Vietnam has taken over exporting an estimated 5.4 million tons. Source: Wood Resources International
The Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) in Western Australia has been accused of breaching dieback rules. Dieback is a plant disease that has been found in some parts of the Arcadia forest. Source: ABC News
New Zealand is looking at the value that may be obtained from wood through bioenergy and it may add NZ$6 billion to the economy according to the New Zealand Bioenergy Association. Source: The Bioenergy Site
WA’s Department of Environment and Conservation has a new ban on controlled burns near towns but that raises the fear of increased fire risks. Source: The West Australian.
Commercial looting from firewood collection areas is putting the plantation industry out of business according to the Bendigo Advertiser. Source: Bendigo Advertiser
Commercial looting from firewood collection areas is putting the plantation industry out of business according to the Bendigo Advertiser. Source: Bendigo Advertiser
Australia’s logging industry has been affected by the construction cycle with lower construction activity resulting in a decline in revenue which is the reason research company IBISWorld updated its report on Australia’s logging industry. Source: San Francisco Chronicle
Australia’s logging industry has been affected by the construction cycle with lower construction activity resulting in a decline in revenue which is the reason research company IBISWorld updated its report on Australia’s logging industry. Source: San Francisco Chronicle
Speakers and topics for Frame Australia 2012
A growing interest in pre-fabricated panellised buildings and new concept engineered wood construction systems developed both in Australia and overseas are just two of a comprehensive range of topics to be presented at the Frame Australia
Speakers and topics for Frame Australia 2012
A growing interest in pre-fabricated panellised buildings and new concept engineered wood construction systems developed both in Australia and overseas are just two of a comprehensive range of topics to be presented at the Frame Australia