AN EARLY warning system that can detect a fire within five minutes of it starting, alert fire personnel with an SMS of the exact location and send real-time imagery of the fire could be the answer to Australia’s quest to protect communities from future bushfire devastation.
Tarkine Forest Adventures will close for the month of August to allow a number of potentially dangerous tree limbs to be removed.
The closure will be effective from 3-28 August.
VANCOUVER, July 19 (Xinhua) -- The forest fire in Kelowna, Canada's western province of British Columbia (B.C.), is spreading rapidly, forcing emergency evacuation of 6,500 homes and damaging nine houses, the provincial Ministry of Forests said Sunday.
An exciting new Gen X and Y career ‘reality’ website designed to stimulate, inform and entertain was launched today by national industry association Plantations 2020.
The Institute of Foresters of Australia will be holding its 2009 National Conference at Caloundra, Queensland, Australia from 6-10 September 2009. The Institute President Dr Peter Volker said it was timely for foresters to meet, when forestry issues are receiving increasing prominence
Suppliers to Australia’s pulp and paper industry will be out in force at Asia-Pacific’s only dedicated bulk and powder handling exhibition. The event, which is expected to attract 2,500 attendees from a variety of industries, including the food processing industry, will be held at Bri
Commercial timber harvesting has ended in two of the most important parts of Victoria’s River Red Gum country following the Brumby Government’s decision to protect iconic areas along the Murray River.
THE ADVANTAGES and potential uses of laminated wood were highlighted at the International Symposium on Veneer Processing and Products in Finland in May.
AFTER THREE years at the helm of Western Australia’s Forest Products Commission (FPC), David Taylor has retired and handed the baton of chairman to his deputy Eva Skira.